Monday, October 26, 2009

~OuR FaLl FamILy Pics~

Sharli took our pictures. Carson was not happy I made him go get pictures again! But I want to get family pictures every fall so I thought we better start now! It was way windy, but we had fun(:

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hey Everyone this is Hazer Jennica's (my sister in law) dog. He is a stud yorkie. He is super cute and great with kids. If you or anyone you know is interested in  breeding let us know:)

The Hunt

I haven't posted anything for so long! I've started school again and I have been so so busy, but I'm going to do better~

This is Carson's elk. See that black sack I have half way in my pocket? It is the back straps. He shot it clear over that mountain you can see. So we had to quarter it to make it easier to pack. I thought I was going to die!! It was a hike!! Way fun but I know better now to not go back there cuz he said it was a walk!! A walk to me is straight, no incline. This had three hills! It really was a lot of fun. It even rained and I love the rain~